I always make a potato dish when we invite people over for brunch. Partly because I just absolutely love potatoes, but also because I actually get quite a few compliments on them. Enough that I thought I would write a blog entry about them.
The important step is par-boiling. I like to use smaller potatoes, the ones where I only have to cut them into about 4 pieces each. I'm not that up on potato varieties (MBK is far more knowledgeable about that type of thing), but Sainsbury's, Roots and Fruits, and Waitrose all have several lovely varieties. Lately I've been eating anya potatoes from Sainsbury's.
After boiling them (with the skins on) for about five minutes, they're soft enough to toss into the mixture of olive oil and butter and softened chopped spring onions I've left in a frying pan on medium heat. Not terribly diet friendly I know, but I don't make these very often. After heating the potatoes a bit, I add some garlic. I like Gia garlic puree - it's the lazy girl's choice, but also it helps the potatoes get that soft fried but mushy texture that I'm going for. For flavouring, I add salt and pepper, a pinch of paprika, and chilli flakes. That's it.
Sourdough Granola
1 day ago
mmmm...sounds wonderful...I will have to add garlic and chili flakes to mine next time....